
Intercambiar WAVES
Historial de precios
Tapa del mercado
266,685,862 USD
Volumen 24 horas
9,723,143 USD
Fuente circulante
114,540,952 WAVES
Suministro máximo
0.00000 WAVES
Resumen de Waves
Proponemos centrarnos en otros usos de tokens de cadena de bloques, aquellos que a menudo se pasan por alto a favor de las oportunidades de bajo nivel que la tecnología blockchain podría proporcionar, como los contratos inteligentes. Existe un potencial sin explotar muy fuerte en un enfoque clásico de monedas de colores, y la plataforma WAVES está diseñada para realizar esto en toda su extensión.
Método de consenso
Prueba de Estaca
Estado del proyecto
Versión beta
Moneda de edad
45 months
Pos alquilado
Procesamiento en bloque
Tasa de emisión
Tamaño de la comunidad
Fuente abierta
Sasha Ivanov
Equipo Memberes
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Waves Noticias
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Waves Launched a Non-Profit Association Under German Law
According to a Feb. 3 press release, open source blockchain platform Waves established a non-profit organization called Waves Association in Frankfurt, Germany to provide effective governance for its own ecosystem, Web3, and to foster the development of DLTs, including public and private blockchain protocols.
Blockchain Pilot Makes Waves in Russia's Energy Sector
Earlier this week, Russian tech startup Waves announced it has been testing a blockchain solution for payments in the retail electricity sector.
Waves To Launch Blockchain-Agnostic Interoperability Protocol
Russian open-source blockchain platform Waves is launching Gravity Hub, a blockchain-agnostic protocol resolving the interoperability issue.
Russia's National Energy Grid Operator Tests Blockchain for Retail Payments
Russia's national energy grid operator Rosetti is testing a blockchain solution for payments in the retail electricity sector.
Russia's Power Grid Company Tests Blockchain for Power Meter Data
Russia's national power grid company Rosseti is testing a system for electricity bill payments based on a distributed ledger by Waves.
Waves DEX Shuts Down and Relaunches as Hybrid Cryptocurrency Exchange
Decentralized exchange Waves DEX shut down to resume operations as a hybrid exchange, Waves announced in a press release shared with Cointelegraph on Dec. 2.Per the release, the exchange has already ceased operations on the old domain and the process of moving its activities to Waves.
Binance.US to list its 21st cryptocurrency, Waves
US, the US-based arm of crypto exchange giant Binance, has continued its aggressive listing policy announcing it will be adding support for the native token of the Waves smart contract platform, WAVES, on the 29th of October.
Waves Transitions to Self-Regulating Monetary System
Open source blockchain platform Waves is transitioning to a self-regulating monetary system, allowing thus the community to determine the block generation reward size and coin supply.
Alfa-Bank Launches Bank-as-a-Service Platform on Waves Blockchain
Alfa-Bank and X5 Retail Group partnered to launch a blockchain liquidity management service in Russia.
Waves Platform and The Abyss to Jointly Launch Blockchain-Based Games Marketplace
Open source blockchain platform Waves and blockchain game distribution platform The Abyss will jointly launch a blockchain-based marketplace of digital goods and in-game items.