Decentralized Data: The Key to Safer Air Travel?

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Every year, the aviation industry generates a torrent of data essential to keep air travel reliable and safe.

In turn, the startup AeroChain is launching a protocol to store aviation data on a decentralized blockchain network.

Aviation data is currently stored by custodial figures who communicate that data to regulatory bodies and aviation companies.

Decentralized blockchain solutions such as AeroChain keep data on a blockchain, where it can be viewed by those with access.

The thousands of pilots from professionals flying Boeing 747s to hobbyists flying single-engine planes are responsible for their safety and that of the passengers, other aircrafts, and people on the ground.

Swayne Martin recently interviewed PSA Airlines CEO, Brooks Butler, and ExpressJet Airlines recruiter, Eric Graser, about job applicants logbook errors, noting that some pilot logbooks were off by more than 20 hours.

Logbook errors are not always caught which results in unqualified pilots cruising the skies.

Maintenance logbooks aren't only essential for safety - they travel on the plane from pilot to pilot, impacting the plane's value.

AeroChain's decentralized solutions for pilot and maintenance logbooks won't replace proper recording practices, but they facilitate easier data management for pilots, owners, and mechanics.

Blockchain could serve as the foundation of a plane insurance marketplace or help commercial pilots arrange charter clients.
