Here is what could be driving the massive VeChain rally

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Following Chinese President Xi Jinping's decision to put the nation at the forefront of blockchain technology, VeChain experienced a massive rally.

In a press release, Thomson revealed that the "Ninja-fuelled, samurai-packed" gamebook would be developed into a blockchain card game powered by VeChain.

The decision to launch the game on the VeChain protocol is mainly related to its scalability and ease of development.

According to Thomson, VeChain makes digital cards and in-game items possible "Without having to deal with all the crypto stuff."

In August 2018 the VeChain Foundation began working on a drug traceability, monitoring, security, and auditing platform.

VeChain unveiled the first cross-continental logistics and trades solution based on a public blockchain for the food and beverage industry early last month.

As the VeChain Foundation continues expanding the utility of VET to solve real-world issues, the price of this cryptocurrency is skyrocketing.

Investors seem to be very bullish about the future of VeChain.

The VeChain Foundation continues to prove the real utility that VET has.

Although VeChain founder Sunny Lu recently stated that "99% of a is linked to speculation," the Foundation is making strides to bring value to society by developing real-world solutions.
