Kleiman Lawyers Seize on New Evidence of Craig Wright's 'Fabrication'

Publicado en by Cointele | Publicado en

The Kleiman estate's legal team has entered into evidence this week's revelation that 145 addresses claimed by Craig Wright are not controlled by him.

They filed a notice of supplementary evidence supporting their motion for sanctions against Wright earlier this morning, adding to their laundry list of complaints against the Satoshi-claimant.

They said the new evidence further proves the "CSW Filed List" is not a list of Wright's Bitcoin public addresses but is instead a "Purposeful fabrication" by him.

The Kleiman estate is suing Wright over the Bitcoin he allegedly mined in a partnership with the late Dave Kleiman.

Wrong list? NopeBitcoin SV supporters believe the message was from early Bitcoin developer Greg Maxwell, who they claim has a vendetta against Wright.

Wright has the keysThe Plaintiffs had already argued the list was a "Forgery intended to deceive Plaintiffs and this Court, and that Wright created it to avoid sanctions pursuant to this Court's Order".

They said the new evidence further proves this list is "Not an accurate listing of Wright's Bitcoin,and that he is still hiding the true list from Plaintiffs and the Court."

"Said simply, Wright represented these 145 addresses were part of his Bitcoin holdings and were locked in an inaccessible encrypted file. This week, the person that actually controls the private keys to those addresses used those private keys thus proving the addresses do not belong to Wright."

While the new evidence was seized upon by many on Crypto Twitter as demonstrating once and for all Wright is not Satoshi, that's not the position of the Kleiman team.

They still believe he has access to considerable BTC wealth and demand a share of it based on Wright's alleged partnership with Dave Kleiman in mining the BTC. Last week they argued that Wright has access to the BTC holdings in question.
