Ledger Crypto Wallet Goes Mobile With Bluetooth-Ready Nano X

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The crypto wallet company revealed its new, Bluetooth-enabled Nano X device Sunday at the annual Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas.

The added Bluetooth means that the Nano X can readily be used with mobile devices, which has been a pain point for many users of the company's current wallet, the Ledger S. Much of the world primarily uses mobile computing, never or very seldom touching laptops or desktop computers.

"The fact that we have a mobile application and it works with the Nano X is really the big evolution of the hardware for this lineup," Ledger CEO Eric Larchevêque told CoinDesk during a demonstration of the device.

By connecting the Nano X via Bluetooth, it's possible to have the security of Ledger but with mobile's form factor, Larchevêque said.

When we spoke to Larchevêque, he wasn't ready to commit to a price for the Nano X but he did say that when it goes live, the price of the Nano S will drop.

According to the Ledger website, more than 1.3 million Nano S devices have been sold.

"It's a more advanced device," Larchevêque said of the Nano X. The Ledger Live mobile app will be available on Google Play and iTunes on Jan. 16, according to Ledger.

The Ledger Nano X can store the apps for up to 100 crypto assets, a six-fold increase over the Nano S. Vegas, baby.

Ledger is making a statement by revealing its new device at CES. "It's true that CES is not a crypto show," Larchevêque said, acknowledging that his company has left the blockchain bubble with this appearance, but he points out that Ledger has gotten into the hands of too many users at this point to still be viewed as a niche device.

According to a press release from Ledger, CES awarded the Nano X with its 2019 "Innovation Award in Cyber Security and Personal Privacy."
