Monero's Triptych Research Could Vastly Improve Its Anonymity

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The Monero Research Lab has released Triptych in a Jan. 6 paper proposing trustless logarithmic-size ring signatures.

As Monero's core anonymity mechanism, research aimed at decreasing their size could improve the coin's privacy significantly.

Monero is a privacy coin that uses several distinct mechanisms to obfuscate parts of a transaction.

The primary line of defense against transaction tracing comes from ring signatures.

There are currently 24 decoys added by default to any transaction, though a user can choose to include fewer or more of them - which directly impacts the transaction's cost.

Increasing size too much could overwhelm nodes that have to verify transactions.

In a Reddit thread, MRL member Sarang Noether theorized that verification time would amount to about 45 ms for a standard Monero transaction with 511 decoys.

Noether has also teased an even better version of Triptych that "Would allow for signing with multiple keys in the same proof, while also directly including a balance test, leading to even smaller overall transactions." However, this new approach requires more research due to roadblocks posed by unspecified technical questions.

Monero's small ring sizes have often been a target of criticism by the community, starting with a 2017 paper claiming that some transactions can be fully de-anonymized.

The practice of churning - sending transactions to oneself - is recommended within the Monero community to increase privacy.
