New research affirms Craig Wright isn't Satoshi Nakamoto based off location data

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Prominent cryptocurrency researchers joined forces and uncovered compelling evidence that Craig Wright isn't Satoshi Nakamoto.

Craig Wright unwittingly affirms he is not Satoshi Nakamoto.

Previous research has shown that Satoshi Nakamoto's location at that time was not in Australia, as Wright's was, but in California.

Twitter user Bounty Hunter, who is widely thought to be the best authority on the matter, was the first one to pinpoint Satoshi Nakamoto's exact location.

As the only two people working on the project at that time were Hal Finney, Bitcoin's earliest contributor, and Satoshi Nakamoto, it was relatively easy to determine which one of those belonged to Satoshi.

The IP address showed that, at the time, Satoshi was in Van Nuys, California.

Satoshi's IP address not assigned to a VPN service.

As the researcher pointed out, metadata from various versions of the Bitcoin Whitepaper has revealed the timezone in which Satoshi Nakamoto operated.

There is currently no evidence that suggests Wright traveled to the U.S. at the time when Satoshi was active online.

As of June, 2019, none of you knows if Craig is or isn't Satoshi.
