Waltonchain Subsidiary Partners with Alibaba's IoT Connectivity Alliance

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As part of a recent forward-leaning development strategy, Alibaba has formed The IoT Connectivity Alliance, which now includes logistics-based blockchain project Waltonchain.

In a preemptive maneuver to unify the providers of IoT devices and set standards of how companies will support this new industry, Alibaba has formed the IoT Connectivity Alliance.

ICA alliance has announced Xiamen Zhongchuan Internet of Things Industrial Research Institute, a subsidiary of Waltonchain, as one of the 300 members of their Alliance.

Waltonchain provides cost-effective use cases at every level of IoT ecosystem.

In the case of IoT devices, the company's sidechain could act as a validation mechanism for the device, ensuring the device is certified, up to date and operating within specifications.

These side chains also provide interoperability with other sidechains and the parent chain, allowing devices from different manufacturers to operate in a transparent and interconnected manner.

The IoT alliance is aware of the many issues faced by this new industry - it's existence is an acknowledgment of the reluctance present within the IoT device industry to provide adequate device support standards.

As manufacturers discontinue support for their device's software after a few short years, they are left vulnerable to malicious software that abuses their internet connectivity to perform DDOS attacks or act as points of ingress for the rest of the network.

Should any of these devices outlive their manufacturers or user become dissatisfied with the level of support being provided, the interoperability of sidechains would allow open source communities to provide alternative solutions.

The coming decade will see a drastic shift in internet traffic as consumers begin to adopt smart always-on devices that utilized internet connectivity to augment their functionality, network activity will be increasingly dominated by devices talking to and interacting with other devices.
