Electrum BTC Wallet
Has a longstanding reputation with the community, now available on most platforms.
Plataforma primaria
Intercambio incorporado
Multisig, 2FA
Almacenamiento de datos
Escritorio, fuera de línea, papel, Almacenamiento en frio
Androide, Todo el escritorio, Toda la web
Open Source
Disponibilidad en línea
Extensión del navegador
Disponibilidad fuera de línea
Billetera de papel, Billetera de software
Supported Coins
Electrum BTC Wallet alternatives
Peercoin Core
The original Peercoin (PPC) wallet which features paper wallet generation and mobile app.
Litecoin Core
The original, open-source LTC node software (fork of bitcoin), contain entire LTC blockchain.
Carbon Wallet
A Bitcoin, ZClassic, Bitcoin Cash, and ZCash web wallet combined with a mobile app for added security
Electrum LTC Wallet
Produced by the developers of Electrum BTC, offers a high degree of anonymity and platforms.